Meet Me at the Zoo

aliciaZoo InternQuest is a seven-week career exploration program for San Diego County high school juniors and seniors. Students have the unique opportunity to meet professionals working for the San Diego Zoo, Safari Park, and Institute for Conservation Research, learn about their jobs, and then blog about their experience online. Follow their adventure here on the Zoo’s website!

Hi everyone! My name is Aliciá and I am currently a junior in high school who has been so fortunate to be chosen for the 2016 winter session of InternQuest. I am very excited for the seven weeks ahead of me that will help me pursue a life in doing what I love, which is learning and helping animals.

My love for animals began at our very own San Diego Zoo. I am born and raised here in San Diego so it is not unusual that many of my childhood memories happened at both as the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park. When I was little, I remember morning trips with my cousins and grandparents to these parks that introduced me to so many amazing animals. I wasn’t one to just look at the animals, but I also read all their plaques and researched all their cool and interesting facts. My nana was the first to teach me that the animals are not just here for show, but are here because of the world we live in. It blew me away as a child that some of these amazing animals were kept here to keep their species and future generations alive. This encouraged me to look deeper into conservation and even become interested in studying how I could be of medical help to them. I’ve never been exactly sure of how I could help, but I know that this internship will open my eyes to all the amazing opportunities out there that will help the animals I love so dearly.

Besides loving animals, I am the president of my school’s key club. Our club is an international organization that plans and participates in volunteer events to give back to the community and help organizations like UNICEF to fight against causes like maternal and neonatal tetanus. I am also on my school’s varsity Field Hockey team where I play defense most of the time. Aside from school, I enjoy exploring San Diego’s best eats with my friends and traveling around the country with my family.

I am thrilled to be starting my internship and I hope you will be alongside me as I expand my knowledge and hopefully yours!

Winter Session 2016